Suvarnabhumi » Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel Bangkok Thailand foresees tough year ahead
Sunday, July 20th, 2008
The Novotel Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport Hotel expects a tough year in 2009 against the backdrop of falling tourism following the closures of Bangkok’s two airports by anti-government protesters.
Tristan Beau de Lomenie, the Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel Bangkok‘s general manager, said the week-long closure of Suvarnabhumi Airport sent its occupancy down to only 10%, compared to 80% during normal times.
“Our hotel business will face difficulties next year. Thailand is now facing two crises – the global economic crisis and local political instability. We can’t stay without doing anything, otherwise we will lose,” he said.
The tourism sector is not forecast to make a noticeable recovery until around September next year.
Before it improves, the meeting, incentive, convention and exhibition (MICE) business will be severely hit as many events might be cancelled and companies will cut meeting costs.
“The Bangkok airports closure should not happen again as this will not only damage the tourism sector but also investor confidence. Exports will see some impact as well,” the French hotelier said.
Next year, the Novotel will try hard to reduce expenses, especially on manpower, electricity and unnecessary costs. At the same time, aggressive marketing will be done to attract customers.
“Thailand is a wonderful country with service-minded people and beautiful tourist attractions. If the country can manage to solve the political problems, everything will return to normal again,” he said. (CHADAMAS)
***For flights status and other important information updates, please check here:
- Suvarnabhumi Airport Flight Status
- Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport Arrivals
- Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport Departures
- Search World International Airport Codes
- U-Tapao International Airport Flight Status
- Novotel Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport Hotel Thailand
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(Advertiser offer: $50 hotel coupon)
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