Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport Feedback

New government to force fare meters in taxis to protect passengers
Sunday, March 2nd, 2008Taxis servicing Suvarnabhumi airport and its vicinity will soon all be required to use their fare meters to protect the interests of passengers. Deputy Transport Minister Songsak Thongsri said yesterday (February 26, 2008) he agreed with the proposal presented by Airports of Thailand (AOT).
There were many communities in the vicinity of the airport, and the residents needed a regulated taxi service.
Bangkok taxis are now required by transport regulations to use fare meters within a 37-kilometre radius of Victory Monument.
This extends only to the second kilometre marker on the Bang Na-Bang Pakong highway. Suvarnabhumi is at least another 10 kilometres up the road.
New Bangkok Airport up and running
Wednesday, October 11th, 2006Two weeks will have passed tomorrow since Suvarnabhumi Airport was opened for commercial operation; thankfully no disaster, complete chaos or serious multiple failures occurred.
The teething troubles seem to have been gradually resolved and kept to minimum with great determination, apparently due to the total dedication, the high spirit of teamwork among parties concerned and well-laid-down contingency plans.
In a poll I conducted, international airline managers, who were utterly critical about the readiness of the 125-billion-baht airport ahead of its Sept 28 opening, have given a passing grade in its initial operation. Scores of airline executives, who were on the ground, rated Suvarnabhumi’s terminal and operations about six or seven on a scale of 10, a pretty fair assessment and consistent with scores that Airports of Thailand Plc (AOT) which runs the airport, has given itself.
New Bangkok Airport’s a smash with Tammy
Wednesday, October 11th, 2006On her first visit to Bangkok’s new Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thai tennis star Tamarine Tanasugarn noticed one thing that really stood out – the place looked like it needed a good clean.
Wherever she looked there was dust. “I want to volunteer as a cleaner,” she said.
On her return from Tashkent a week later, Tamarine saw some dramatic improvements and had a change of mind.
She was overwhelmed with what she saw this new version of Suvarnabhumi turned out to be cleaner, in better order and looked very futuristic.
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